General Overview
The Kurdistan Region comprises parts of the three governorates of Erbil, Slemani and Duhok.
It borders Syria to the west, Iran to the east, and Turkey to the north, lying where fertile plains meet the Zagros Mountains. The population of the country is 3,757,058 and the capital city is Erbil.[1] The Region and Erbil city are growing together, democratically, economically, and socio-culturally. Now, the %80 of the city is under construction. Not only one dimensional face, all country every day by day developing, reconstructing, and lately further constructing in all areas.
Social Life
Erbil is the most ancient city down the history and it has multinational state by including mostly Kurdish, minors are Turkish, Turkmen, Arabs, Christians and Yazidies. On the other hand at this area, having more than two languages is ordinary for the society. Contrary to other cities of Iraq, this cosmopolitan city lives in a harmonization and has no any peace broken act happened since 2003.
Almost half of the Region population is being the young generation that is under 20 year ages. With the high rate of the young population is in the Kurdistan Region, any educational program can be performed. According to Ministry of Education, there are 6000 school from kinder garden to high school and approximately 1.600.000 students are taking education in school system. 180.000 number last grades of High School students are continuing in 1600 High Schools and potentially they are at the University door steps. The gender ratio is % 45 male to % 55 female.
The security situation in the Kurdistan Region is very different from the rest of Iraq. There are fewer than 200 US soldiers stationed in Kurdistan and not a single coalition soldier has lost their life in the Region since the start of the conflict. After the May 2007, security responsibility was formally transferred from the Multinational Forces to KRG[2], security and stability of the Kurdistan Region has been achieved through the hard work of the Peshmerga forces, Zeravani, police, Asayish, emergency and anti-terror forces.
Foreign Investment
From the economic perspective, what makes Erbil attractive is being a developing country at the geographically important area. Oil and gas reserves are undoubtedly the most important assets for Iraq’s Kurdistan. According to OPEC, Iraq’s resources of 143 billion barrels of crude oil and 126.7 trillion cubic feet of gas are the fourth largest in the world after Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Iran. Recently, Iraq’s Kurdistan has been one of the hottest spots for the global oil and gas industry. The size of the oil market has lured many iconic oil and gas personalities including Tony Hayward, the former chairman of BP, and has attracted over US$10bn in investments from foreign oil companies, according to the Financial Times.
The Kurdistan Region has two international airports: Erbil International Airport and Slemani International Airport. Most flights operating from Europe and the Middle East fly directly to Kurdistan, without going via Baghdad. 23 International Airways brands offer service to Erbil International Airport and by transfer ticket you can fly anywhere you want.[3]
Information about Erbil and the Region (KRG):
Kurdistan Region has been established as an autonomous state in 1970, and lately recognized by Iraqi constitution as a federative part of Iraq in 2006. Erbil is the biggest, largest and the capital city of KRG. The Region and Erbil city are growing together, democratically, economically, and socio-culturally. Now, the %80 of the city is under construction. Not only one dimensional face, all country every day by day developing, reconstructing, and lately further constructing in all areas, such as restaurants, hotels, residents, apartments, infrastructures, schools, hospitals, and etc.
The Iraq is reorganized after the invasion of Coalition Forces in 2003, as a democratic and federative state. KRG was established as an autonomous and federal state a part of the Iraq in 2006. KRG’s economic attention is attractive people to the secure and heavenly peace island of the region.
Historically, Kurdistan Region, and Iraq is one of the Middle Eastern countries, settled down at the area of Mesopotamia. The population of Kurdistan Region is approximately 6 million and the capital of the Region is the City of Erbil. Erbil is the most ancient city down the history and it has multinational state by including mostly Kurdish, minors are Turkish, Turkmen, Arabs, Christians and Yazidies. On the other hand at this area, having more than two languages is ordinary for the society. Contrary to other cities of Iraq, this cosmopolitan city lives in a harmonization and has no any peace broken act happened since 2003.
After the invasion of Iraq by Coalition forces in 1991 and 2003 Northern Iraq established self-governess as KRG and her democratic growth fastest than other part of country.
Today, the 4th of Parliament Election has made it at 21 September, 2013. Democracy is progressing by participating in public sphere and every represented minority has in seats in the parliament. Side by side progressing of democracy with developing country, lawmakers of parliaments and Regional Governments is giving to significance to the education as like socio-cultural richness’s, economic growth and security precautions priority.
From the economic perspective, what makes Erbil attractive is being a developing country at the geographically important area. According to specialists per capita income becomes 5.300 $ at the 2011. Petroleum is the most important raw material in the Kurdistan. Exportation of the petroleum rate is rising up consistently. Expectation is that the price of the exported petroleum will be 108 billion $ at 2018.
In addition to these historical places and daily life opportunities are other charming features .The Erbil Citadel and Old Minaret are worth seeing places. Moreover, thanks to nearly ten shopping mall, anyone can find anything s/he wants.
The city of Erbil welcomes you with globally competitive accommodation and travelling options. Grand Palace Hotel, Hilton Hotel, Divan Erbil Hotel are only three of them. Also, 23 International Airways brands offers service to Erbil International Airport and by transfer ticket you can fly anywhere you want.:”
Almost half of the Region population is being the young generation that is under 20 year ages. With the high rate of the young population is in the Kurdistan Region, any educational program can be performed. According to Ministry of Education, there are 6000 school from kinder garden to high school and approximately 1.600.000 students are taking education in school system. 180.000 number last grades of High School students are continuing in 1600 High Schools and potentially they are at the University door steps. The gender ratio is % 45 male to % 55 female.
In 2003, while establishing the Regional Government, only the one university was in the Region, and after autonomous/the self-governess of the region, educational institutions sprung up like mushroom after the rain, and today spread out all corner of the region sites, 13 Public Universities, 13 Private Universities, and some research centers. KRG Ministry of Higher Education for Scientific Research has started ‘The Human Capacity Development Program in Higher Education (HCDP)’ program to supply qualified person for academic needs and sustainable developing countries demands. The budget of this program allocates 100 million US dollars per year. Every year many qualified persons are sent to abroad; to America, European Countries, and neighbor countries.
[2] ibid
[3] .: